
KATIE KAY is what a lot of people call me. It’s a jokey name, I think, but it’s an endearing one, a name that has special meaning to me. Therefore, I thought it would be unique to add to this blog and to you as my reader.

I am a writer from the Memphis, Tennessee, metropolitan area. The South has rooted itself in my soul, though I also live part-time in Los Angeles, California. (In reality, I am just a lucky college student.) I hope I interest you at least a little bit with my randomness, because I am a very random soul…

Writer? you may ask. Well, I write books. A lot of books, most of which are self-published. And I plan to publish as many as I can! (You can check these books out on Smashwords, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, and the Kindle Store!!) Warning, though: I have failed at every blog I’ve ever attempted. Maybe this time will be the charm! 😉

Thanks for checking out this blog! I hope to hear from you soon.

-Katie Kay ❤
