Hello, my dear readers!

It is that time of the week… A blog post from Katie Kay! I wish you all a fantastic Monday (or whatever day it is when you are reading this). Today we’re going to dive into a topic that seems both wildly discussed and kept rather private, and this is the issue of stress. 

Yup, told ya: It is everyone’s favorite topic. But in all reality, stress is something that pertains to every single human being on this planet, and we can all connect together from this peculiar emotion (is it even an emotion?) we experience now and then. There is not a living soul on this planet who doesn’t experience some level of stress on a normal basis, so it is my goal that each of you has a takeaway from this post on five tips for dealing with stress.

This is especially prevalent to me this week, so let me know down below how you all are doing and how you are feeling. ❤ But without further ado, let’s hop into the list!


Some of these tips may seem simple, but even the most complex issues can be solved from simple deductions. And one thing I have found is that my stress is reduced when I rid myself of certain distractions, so this could be a tool for you to use as well.

What I mean by this is that certain things distract us from what we should be doing. When we are overwhelmed, we must be willing to take a step back and consider what is really stressing us out in the first place. And there’s a good chance there will be little things here and there that only add to your stress… So cut them out!


Okay, how in the world can I contradict myself faster than a flash of heat lightning? Hear me out!

When you’re worrying about one particular thing, person, or situation, what do you tend to do? There’s a good chance you’re probably thinking so hard that A) you wish you could teleport to a Fijian island, and B) you wish everything would go away and/or calm down.

You need to give your sprinter’s mind a little break, and to do this I encourage you to find a hobby or pastime (for a lot of you, that could be reading or blogging) that tugs you away from your worries and into relaxation.

man working using a laptop
Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on Pexels.com


The key to success is a well-executed plan. I really do believe this. I know that when I’m stressed, I compose lists of all I need to get done, and it gives me a little jolt of energy when I complete one of my items and then the whole thing!

Stress can be managed with a plan. So, when you’ve got a big work stresser, sit down and come up with your game plan. Have a time table and rehearse in your head what you need to do. Or, if you’re thinking about a particular person, maybe it’s time to consult #4 on the list… (You’ll see shortly what I mean.)

But planning ahead can be a tool to use. Don’t be afraid to conquer your stress instead of wallowing it. And remember that you’re capable and will get through it, as you’ve done countless times in the past. 🙂


And even when we know we have a killer plan, it’s important to take a step back and breathe. And throw in a prayer! (This is my best piece of advice, if I’m being honest.) Why? Because you’re exiting from your worries for a little while, and giving it to God.

As a restless spirit who isn’t content with staying still, I find it impossible at times to relax and pray. But then I’m overcome with the realization that my laziness is coming at me again, and I remember to close my eyes and disappear for a little while.

Manage your stress through relaxation–and tell God how you feel!

photo of child praying
Photo by Binti Malu on Pexels.com


And if our plan is the key to success, then the door that blocks us from that success is our lack of confidence. So what can we do to open that door? Yup, here I go with my “redonk” metaphor: Be confident! You are more than capable of plowing ahead through your stressful time. Yes, the going gets rough, but it happens to all of us. And it gives us a chance to see what we can accomplish and what it takes to do so.

So when you strut around town with your confident pose and head held high, people will never even notice you’re stressed. And when we ooze confidence, we realize that we can take on anything that comes our way!


I hope this post spoke to you in some way or the other. Let me know if you’re stressed and need some help, but I’m sure a lot of you guys write your feelings down all ready. In the meantime, use some of these tips if you need them, and let me know how they work out for you!

On another note, I’m sorry to have been MIA for the past two weeks. I’ve missed the blog but needed to devote myself to other endeavors for a little bit. But now I’m back, and I’m excited to catch up on all your stories!

Let’s live our lives as stress-free as possible this week (and every week)!

-Katie Kay ❤



  1. Yacoob says:

    Excellent advice…thank you 😊.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. c17princess says:

      You’re welcome!! 💜💜💜💕💕💕


    1. c17princess says:

      Thank you!!! Hope you are doing well. 💜💜💜

      Liked by 1 person

  2. For me #1 is probably the most important.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. c17princess says:


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  3. Good advice Katie Kay

    Liked by 1 person

    1. c17princess says:


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