TOP CALIFORNIA FLIGHTS (copilot required)

Hello, my dear readers!

Today we’re going to do something a little different–and by that, I mean we’re gonna travel up and down the California coast! As some of you know, I’m a pilot (private pilot, I should clarify) and flying is something I love to do. While I attended Pepperdine University, I had the absolute privilege of flying out of Camarillo, California, to build hours, and so I want to share some of my trips with you guys.

Now this list is in no particular order, and I’ll be honest that I’m writing from my heart. So, yes, these guys are my favorites, but I want you to let me know what your favorites too. This is your journey as well. Imagine yourself as my copilot. You’re up with me in those clouds, so take a moment to relax, put on some sunglasses, and see California from up above.

Now, a quick little disclaimer: Our home airport is Camarillo, a beautiful city in the Ventura area, about an hour and a half (with no traffic, let me remind you) north of Los Angeles. Sometimes it is my humble opinion that flying outside of Camarillo is pointless, due to how pretty it is (especially at sunset!). But, alas, a pilot normally likes to fly places. And our plane? The grand old Cessna 172, the plane of anyone’s dreams. So let’s get going. Got your bags? Bring some water. And a smile! 🙂

Let’s get going.

My first solo in Camarillo, CA! Seems like so long ago. (October 2018)


Paso Robles, oh Paso Robles! Nestled within the Central Coast and a short drive from the beautiful Pacific, Paso is a town that reminds me of a small town America out East. It definitely doesn’t have a strong California vibe to it (okay, the gas prices make it Californian), but it’s got some of the friendliest people and one of my favorite airports in the state. (I flew so much there this past autumn that I got repeatedly teased by flight instructors who kept saying, “Stop going north, Katie! All the best places are south into L.A.!” Um… Debatable.)

Paso Robles is located between flat desert and mountains lining the coast, so it’s got dual views of different biomes. Plus, considering that we’re flying there at sunset, you’ll get to see the beauty of a California twilight without too much light pollution. In a way, Paso reminds me of California before it became overdeveloped (yes, in my opinion, Southern California is overdeveloped. No hate, just stating a fact).

So, yes. When we fly to Paso, it feels like we’re in the middle of nowhere. But that’s the magic of it, especially coming from a heavily populated area. This flight proves that there is more to California than just the major cities, and there is still ample beauty to find.

Headed into Paso at sunset! I spent more time flying to Paso than any other airport. It will always be my favorite flight. ❤ (October 2019)


Carlsbad’s a fun flight, especially since we’re going to be flying directly over Los Angeles, one of the busiest regions of the United States. Terrified? No fear at all! There are published routes for us to fly (this means that we can fly our little Cessna 172 directly over Los Angeles International Airport as long as we stay at a certain altitude and course).

The reason Carlsbad is on this list is due to the challenge of flying over L.A. in the midst of huge passenger jets. Again, the VFR (visual flight rules) routes make everything safe and legal to do, but one of the wildest experiences in my flying was “jetting” along at 5,500 feet and watching as a bunch of A380s (the largest passenger airliner) are taking off right under you.

So, yeah. We’re cruising along, Los Angeles on one side, the Pacific on the other. The views are incredible, overpowering, and thrilling to say the least. But it actually goes by pretty fast, and the next thing you know it, you’re talking to SoCal Approach and headed for Carlsbad, just north of San Diego.

Carlsbad’s an idyllic town that feels old school in comparison to the busyness of Los Angeles. That being said, Palomar Airport has a sloped runway and can be busy at times. So let’s hope they’re not too busy when we arrive, and we can stop and get a bite at the quaint restaurant there. (Maybe we’ll even take a moment to bother my friend Matt who’s lucky enough to live there.)

Los Angeles. From the air it goes on and on, so just imagine on the ground (and stuck in traffic LOL!). (September 2019)
The coast off of Carlsbad! BEAUTIFUL! (October 2019)


San Luis Obispo was one of my first cross country destinations when I was training for my private pilot license, and it’s quite the place to fly. It’s a quick flight, has a nice restaurant I’ve never been to, and it’s nestled in some beautiful mountains that turn emerald after winter rains.

Our flight is only an hour or so, but it’s one of the best flights a VFR pilot can experience. That’s right: You get to pass over Santa Barbara, head up the mountains, and soak in the knowledge that you’re floating in the atmosphere in a Cessna 172. And when it’s dark outside, you get a view of the star-studded sky.

Down below is an image taken of the final leg of our journey into San Luis Obispo. Gorgeous. Stunning. Picture perfect! And when you look at it with your own eyes, it makes it even more real that sometimes all you need to clear your head is a plane, a destination, and the knowledge that it’s only you, your copilot, and God. 🙂

To get to San Luis Obispo, one must cross Santa Barbara. What a beautiful mountain pass to cross! (October 2019)
Unreal, right? This is our view only miles from San Luis Obispo. (January 2019)


One of my good friends is from Monterey, which probably makes me more biased than most, but I’m going to do some recommending for you: Get yourself to Monterey for real. The flight from Camarillo to Monterey’s two hours one-way (about an hour north of San Luis Obispo, flight time wise). So we’re going to see the beautiful Santa Barbara region, cruise up the sparsely populated Central Coast (in comparison to Southern California), and ATC will eventually become NorCal approach. That’s right: We’ve made it to Northern California!

Monterey is just south of San Francisco, but it’s definitely not San Francisco. Monterey is famous for Monterey Bay, the fantastic aquarium named after the Bay, and the sweet nearby hamlet called Carmel-by-the-Sea. So basically this flight allows us to head into one of California’s most romantically beautiful spots among private jets and other thrill-seekers. ❤

My friend and I flew up to Monterey one day, and we both could not handle how beautiful it was. The runway faces the water, so when you come in it feels like something out of a movie. When we waited for fuel, we were treated with kindness and respect (despite the fact we were the only general aviation plane there), and we ended up hanging out to watch the jets take off. (With free ice cream!) Though I have since left California, this flight to Monterey will always be one of my favorites.

Why is the only photo I have of Monterey Regional? Clueless Katie. Obviously this photo does not do anything justice. (Monterey Regional Airport, Monterey, CA // October 2019)


Now, our flight to Victorville is way different than our other locations. While we flew to Monterey for beauty and Carlsbad for a challenge, Victorville’s got an entirely different appeal. Yes, that’s right: We’re going to climb over the mountains and head for the desert.

A quick one hour flight from Camarillo, Victorville is famous for its airplane graveyard. That’s right: A bunch of old airplanes are just, well, there. Which is pretty cool when you’re a 172 pilot who’s just trying to build time and live life. So, yeah, you’re going to see the Boeing 737 MAX as well, as in the airplanes that have been grounded for safety issues this past year. There’s a handful at this airport!

When I visited Victorville in October last year, I also ended up running into a Royal Air Force plane. I got there fifteen minutes after it landed, so unfortunately I did not run into any of the pilots or crew, but I was overwhelmed by the fact that I was practically standing in a movie scene. (Abandoned airplanes, quiet airport, and the Royal Air Force just happened to be in town?) Told ya: Flying is an interesting business!

On final at Southern California Logistics! Welcome to Victorville. (And my friend was flying when I took this picture, so don’t yell at me please hehe.) (October 2019)
A bunch of old FedEx airplanes. Now you see why I love this place so much 🙂 (October 2019)



Camarillo will always have my heart. It is where I learned to fly, soloed, and got my license. Now that I’m away from it, I’m truly saddened because it is the end of a phase. That being said, I will never forget how amazing an opportunity it was, and here’s a special shoutout to the air traffic controllers at this airport–they’re some of the friendliest in the game!

So as we’re landing back in good old Camarillo, still in our imaginary sunset phase, let’s remember that each flight is a blessing. It’s an opportunity to see God’s beautiful Earth (whether it is green or deserty), and that each flight brings a lesson with it. ❤

Over Ventura Harbor, a few minutes’ flight from Camarillo. (September 2019)
Yes, that is me… But I am flying and not taking the picture. BEAUTIFUL CAMARILLO!!!!


There we go, my dear readers! Thank you again for joining me on this journey, and I hope you got to escape for a little bit. My goal is to write more travel-centered posts in the coming months, because now that I am not traveling as much I miss it a lot, and also because it gives us creative types a free vacation, right? 🙂 (Or is everything ever really free… Random musings from Katie Kay.)

Until next time,

-Katie Kay



P.S. Hi, just letting all my awesome supporters know that my little sister, Genevieve, is so amazing. She is so so so so so so so so wonderful, and I am so lucky to have her in my life.


-Gossip Gen


Hello, my dear and wonderful readers!

Can you guys believe that summer 2019 is wrapping up? I can hardly believe this. It seems like just yesterday I was writing the original post, which you can check out here. At this point in my life, I feel like I should be able to recognize the fact that time moves faster than light, and there’s nothing we can do about it; however, I’m still very much shocked when I realize, “Okay, wow. That’s another season gone by.”

As this post goes live, my sweet mom and I will be traversing the United States in my final journey to Los Angeles, California, where I will finish my college experience. While I am sure that drive will need a blog post, the truth is that I’m excited and a bit nervous to finish up school and get on with my life.

That being said, we’re not going to talk about that right now. Instead, let’s go back in time, to May 2019, when I was doing the opposite trip (heading from LA to Memphis, Tennessee). That fresh-faced kid is still me, but I’ve got some updates, and I’m ready to share with you guys.

Thank you again, dear readers, for putting up with my nonsense. For whatever reason, you’ve decided to journey with me. Some of you have been here for months, even years at this point; others have been here for a few seconds now. But whoever you are, thank you.



Well, I kind of failed on this one. Though this summer has produced some of my best writing outside the sphere of the novel, I did want to write three books this summer, one of which was going to be a “book that matters.”

I got kind of tied up creatively, and I found myself too exhausted to produce quality content when it came to my books. For those of you who don’t know, my favorite genre of writing is the novel, and I’m normally pushing through multiple projects at once. Now that I’m flying (more on that to come) and finishing up college, I’ve got less time to pursue this #1 passion of mine.

However, I did publish one book, Church Boy, via Smashwords. That book was easy to write, thank goodness, and helped destress me during some of the more challenging parts of the summer. 

Despite all of this, this blog has grown so much more than I ever thought possible. Thank you guys for supporting me on this journey, and I have felt challenged as a writer during this summer in order to share genuine content with you all. This experience has given me so much joy, and for that I will be forever grateful.



I actually just finished my instrument rating a few weeks ago, and that took a whole load off my shoulders. My summer goal was to get this done, and it feels amazing to have it under my belt.

If you’re not familiar with the world of flying, I’ll try to offer some insight (although I am still a baby pilot, and I’m learning a lot along the way). There are different stages to flying, and I received my private pilot certificate in April. That license, so to speak, allows me to fly single engine airplanes, such as the Cessna 172.

This summer I worked on my instrument rating, which allows me to fly through clouds and poorer weather than is required under a private pilot certificate. Though my sister said, “Seriously, that’s all that got you?” this process has been stressful, as I’ve been studying a lot more than I wanted to on my summer off from school. However, you know you’re doing the right thing when you enjoy what you’re studying, and I feel very lucky to be able to fly.

After this stage I will work on my commercial certificate, which will allow me to make money for flying, instead of spending money (haha). This certificate consists of time building, in which I must make the requirement of 250 hours before I can apply and ace a check ride to become a legal commercial pilot. Right now I’m halfway there, so I’m hoping to get this done by January 2020 and continue the next phase of flying… Instruction.



All right: As I look back at this original post, I laugh and smile to myself. Specifically I highlighted that I wanted a certain August date, an adjustment to Tennessee life, and to branch out more. While I definitely fulfilled two of these goals, the first one did not exactly go as planned.

Over this summer I unfortunately did become distracted by, well… I want to be cryptic, but I know you’re probably reading this with confusion. So here goes.

I met a chico (which means boy in Spanish, lol) and found myself a little distracted with that situation. Nothing came of it due to some very annoying external factors, but for two or so months I was pretty consumed by my feelings for him.

Now that it is behind me, I can smile and appreciate what I learned from it, such as the fact that there are some very good guys out there in this world of ours. And I really did learn what I’d like to find in a future potential suitor. 🙂

This all sounds completely corny, but it feels good being open for once.

As for the other two goals, bam: Tennessee isn’t perfect, but it’s a pretty darn good state. It took me no time at all to become readjusted to my life here and throw myself into my friendships, goals, and happiness at home.


My best friend and I made a summer pact, and it has been pretty amazing. We challenged ourselves to time limits on our phones and diving deep into the Bible. While I was averaging three or four hour days on my phone at college, I’ve got a limit on my phone now of two hours. This is still a whole lot of time, but it’s much better than what I was at.

Special shoutout to Megan for keeping me accountable on those fronts!


Another failure here. Due to my check ride and studying and outright laziness, my addiction to Diet Coke has continued. It doesn’t help that I can get a big poppa Polar Pop for $.79 at the nearby gas station. (For those of you who are unfamiliar with American money, just know that $.79 is practically nothing.)

No excuse. I’m ready for more water again, which makes me feel healthier and makes me look healthier. (Oh, good old acne, even post teenage years!)

Proof that I’ve got a Diet Coke problem. Also this picture is such a weird one, because the random young man in the background looks just like my friend Chase. Of course I had to be a creep and show Chase his doppelgänger. (Waikoloa Village, Hawaii // July 2019)


Enough about me. Let’s focus on you for a second. What were your summer goals, if you had some? Were you able to follow through with some of them, or did you forget to pursue them?

The good thing is that there is no better time than now. If you’re struggling with something, challenge yourself to set a goal and stick to it. It’s not easy. As you’ve seen, I’ve experienced some failures just in these silly goals, but I know what it’s like to think, “What if I’d just tried that?”


All right. Enough from me now, but please feel free to share anything in the comments below. I love every comment I receive, and you guys are the highlight of my day.

-K. ❤



Hello, my dear readers!

I promised I would admit why I have been incognito lately, and this post is going to answer that question for you. Truly I have missed blogging over the past month, and I am super excited to get back into my two posts a week schedule. I have some interesting ideas for future posts, and I’m excited to share them with you.

However, I thought it would be best if I give you a little update on what I’ve been up to, and then we will resume with normal posts on Friday.

So, where have I been lately?

1. PRIVATE PILOT (finally)

The past two months have been devoted to studying anything and everything related to becoming a private pilot, and I can say I am official! I had to take a five hour check ride in order to secure this status, and it was intense to say the least. However, it feels so good to be done, and I’m very, very happy. 🙂


As a college student I am (unfortunately) taking a bunch of classes that seem pointless at times. While I love learning, I’d rather be studying things I feel are useful (such as flying). As the school year wraps up, the amount of homework grows exponentially, and so I am in the midst of papers, tests, and presentations. That’s okay, though, because summer is just around the corner!


While I have some projects I am working on, there hasn’t been a book idea that really stands out to me since I finished my latest book, Yours Truly, in February. I attribute this to the busy schedule of college and flying, so I am excited to get back into the normal grind of shuffling between projects.


I know this is a baby post, but I did want to update you guys on this big news and explain where I’ve been. I’m still eager to share my viewpoint with the world, and you guys have always been so supportive of that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Look for an upcoming post on Friday.

But until next time,

-K. ❤

Find the beauty wherever you are. (Malibu, CA / February 2019)

SUMMER’S END (update)

Well, my dear readers, it is that time of year…

Summer is coming to an end. (At least in the States, where school has started… Yet in the South, it’s still as humid as a nightmare and will be for quite some time.) This also means that I will be leaving home to head back to college. Though I love being at home so much, I am ready for the adventures this next year is sure to toss my way.

At the beginning of the summer, as soon as I got back from Argentina, I wrote a blog post titled  SUMMER’S HERE (and reality too) where I talked about my goals for the past three months. Therefore, I thought it would be a little fun to update you guys.


  1. My goal is to find an agent, send out my manuscripts to as many people as possible, to gain experience and to get my name out there.

  2. Also, I expect to write about two to three novels this summer. I hope I can fulfill that goal.

Well, as you guys know by now, I love writing/books. It’s actually a pretty strong addiction that destroys my wrists from all the typing and takes up a large chunk of my time. This summer, I was writing for… Well, if we’re being honest… I was writing about four-to-five hours a day.

Writing this much can be great, but it can also be very physically and emotionally deteriorating, because I will admit–I am a workaholic when it comes to my stories. I am constantly planning the next book I want to write, whereas I need to focus more on the book I’m currently writing.

Before this turns into a winded rant, I will say that I am still looking for an agent, and I think that will be a goal for the foreseeable future. I am about to query for two novels I wrote this summer, and I will update you along the way.

To answer the second goal… I significantly challenged myself to write as much as possible, and I was able to crank out five books this summer. While this may seem ridiculous, it really is, but considering that I averaged between two and three thousand words a day, I still had time to edit these books as well.

Three of those novels are part of a romance trilogy I conceived abroad, while the other two are novels that took more of my time and creative juices. While I’d love to discuss more about these books, that will probably be a separate blog post so I don’t ramble forever and ever. That being said, I am very excited with one of my projects, and I can’t wait to write about it. Soon, I promise! 🙂


When I was a kid, I always told people, “I want to be a pilot.”

At sixteen, I had my first flying lesson. While I enjoyed it, I wasn’t sure I was ready to commit to that path.

At nineteen (last summer), I bought a pilot book on learning the ropes of flying, and I became obsessed with it in Argentina. For all the classes in which I was learning nothing, my pilot book was able to give me new information, new knowledge, new insight.

At twenty, I hope to be flying.

Well, this is a goal that excites me beyond belief!

I’m also working on obtaining my private pilot license… More on that to come! Flying is truly amazing, though there is so much to learn and study. It is actually stimulating to be able to fly, and though I don’t want to hate on my college experience, I feel as if my experience flying versus working on my bachelor’s degree… Well, that would probably be an interesting blog post.

I’m at fifteen hours of flight time (forty hours is the requirement), and I think I’ll be able to get my license by December.


I only have two summers left before I graduate college and am expected to be a full-fledged adult. That means time is running out. However, I’ve still got time to pursue my passion (writing, of course), goals (a healthy bank account which will be destroyed by flying lessons), and creating long-lasting relationships.

Now that I’ve only got one summer left before the real world shows up at my doorstep, I’m excited. I have a plan. I know what I want to do, who I want to be, and how I can get there… And I know that things don’t exactly go by the book all the time. 😉

This summer has taught me that money is valuable, but time is even more so. Every day we get is one less day we have, and it’s crucial to make the most of the present. Some of my favorite memories of my summer are just snapshots of the most mundane situations: Laughing with friends and family; holding a paper copy of my book in my hands; jamming with my mom in the truck to ’80s salsa music.

Time  〉Money

So, there you have it, my summer in a nutshell. While some could see this as possibly very boring… Just a young chica writing, flying, and hanging out with family and friends… I think it was one of my favorite summers, because I got to do what I love with the people I love most.

Though this has centered on me, I’d like to shift the focus to you, my reader. You’ve got goals too, even if you haven’t put the pen to paper yet. Though I’m not typically a person to list things out, I’ve found that it is amazing to reflect on the seasons, and especially if you are a forgetful person like I am. Find your goals, and stick to them. Maybe you won’t make as much progress as you hope, but any progress is better than nothing at all.

Though this summer is ending, life isn’t. Go for whatever makes you happiest, and whatever makes you fly as high as you can go.


P.S. Here are a few of my favorite moments of this summer, because I’ll probably read this post a year from now and have forgotten most of these. 🙂

  • My final flight lesson for the summer with my instructor. We got to fly downtown, and I finally figured out how to land without killing us.
  • Taking pictures with one of my close friends who just got engaged!
  • Hanging out with my friends in Wisconsin and trying to pick up the Midwestern accent. I think I sound pretty neutral, but people tell me I’ve got a Southern voice. Bless their hearts!
  • Taking my sister to the library once a week.
  • On my flight to Baltimore, my mom was cross-stitching the whole time, and everyone enjoyed this. A pro tip for mending our divided world: Cross-stitchers unite!
  • Discovering the dream-pop band Beach House while driving my sister to and from school.
  • Finally learning how to decode what the heck ATC (air traffic control) is saying to me as I fly.
  • Reconnecting with old friends.
  • Connecting with new friends. 😉
  • FINDING OUT THAT I HAVE 61 AMAZING AND WONDERFUL WORDPRESS FOLLOWERS!!! A special shoutout to you guys. You make this such an enjoyable experience with your likes, comments, follows, and re-blogs. Thank you for spending some time on my blog. ♥

SUMMER’S HERE (and reality too)

*I realized that summer does not start until June 21. Please 
excuse my inability to remember which continent I am on LOL.

Now that I am back home in the States, things have shifted a little bit. It’s summer, which means that I’ll be cranking out as many novels as my poor fingers can type…

***MINOR INTERRUPTION: Someone just rang my doorbell, and it turned out to be a neighbor, who literally threw her dog at me. For those of you who do not know, I’ve never had a dog, never really been around dogs, and am kinda scared of them… So that was interesting.***

Anyway, summer is my best time for creative thought. I am finishing my magical realism novel, starting another romance, and have plans for another late summer book. However, as a rising junior in college, I also have to get a job and attempt to book flying lessons. Therefore, I am a bit stressed!

I have been Stateside for all of four days, and I’m already feeling the pressure of my future. Money, location, and the unknown are all weighing on me, but I know that God’s got this. (Cue “God’s Plan” by Drake, thank you.)

***MINOR INTERRUPTION AGAIN: I discovered that I am allergic to horses last summer, when I came to the South from California. Just now I have been sneezing my head off because I held that pup…***

Therefore, I’d like to set some goals for the summer and see if I am able to conquer them!


If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m a writer who loves to write. I am almost done with my sixteenth novel (that doesn’t mean all sixteen novels are good, by any means). However, I think this one has some cinematic vibes to it, and I’m not sure if I’ll try to agent it or self-publish. I’m a little tired of trying to find an agent for my books, because I’ve realized it is such a daunting situation. Even if I get agented, will my book ever even get published? Who knows. That is the crisis I’m facing now.

Anyway, my goal is to find an agent, send out my manuscripts to as many people as possible, to gain experience and to get my name out there. If I don’t find an agent, so what? I’m not a writer to make money (although that would be nice). If I don’t find an agent, expect even more releases on Smashwords (which then converts my manuscripts to iBooks, Barnes & Noble, the Kindle Store, etc.).

Also, I expect to write about two to three novels this summer. I hope I can fulfill that goal. 🙂


When I was a kid, I always told people, “I want to be a pilot.”

At sixteen, I had my first flying lesson. While I enjoyed it, I wasn’t sure I was ready to commit to that path.

At nineteen (last summer), I bought a pilot book on learning the ropes of flying, and I became obsessed with it in Argentina. For all the classes in which I was learning nothing, my pilot book was able to give me new information, new knowledge, new insight.

At twenty, I hope to be flying.


Money is valuable, but my parents have instilled the concept in me that money isn’t everything. I want to be able to afford certain luxuries in my future, like travel and a nice car and a Mac computer, but I know that what really matters is time.

I took a personality quiz as a joke once (although I do love personality quizzes, just not the one called “Love Languages” or whatever). I thought it was hilarious that my friends and I were taking this quiz when virtually none of us have ever been in love or are in relationships. But then I remembered that there is more than one type of love, and my special “love language” (or the thing that I enjoy most about my relationships) is quality time. 

I only have two summers left before I graduate college and am expected to be a full-fledged adult. That means time is running out. However, I’ve still got time to pursue my passion (writing, of course), goals (a healthy bank account which will be destroyed by flying lessons), and creating long-lasting relationships.

While I may be freaking out about this “time crunch,” I am reminded that life is not certain at any point in time. Tomorrow, I could die in a car crash, or six months down the road, I could receive a terminal diagnosis. Therefore, I may be “stressed” by the pressures of becoming an adult, but this is actually a good thing.

Time has blessed me with choice.


Por lo tanto, I am encouraged after writing this blog post. My troubles are insignificant, but I know I have one life, and I want to make the most of it.

Expect more books from me. Expect more blog posts from me. Expect some complaining and some hard times, but also excitement and new discoveries. That is what I guarantee you!

Thank you for listening to another KG rant.

Until next time,


A church in La Pampa (November 2017)